Last Updated on July 28, 2021 10:05 am
FLETCHER – The N.C. Mountain State Fair “Rides Again” in 2021, returning to the WNC Ag Center in Fletcher, Sept. 10-19.
“The Fair is back for 10 days of full-steam fun,” said fair manager Matt Buchanan. “Competitions are a popular attraction with fairgoers, and this year’s fair will include both new competitions and plenty of returning favorites. Showcasing the talents and skills of all those who call Western North Carolina home, is one of the best parts in celebrating our community.”
New competitions
In response to requests, a youth show for llamas has been added. This includes multiple youth classes for pack, public relations, obstacles and even a costume class with the theme, “All Things Food!”
Since so many youths in the area are raising their own flocks of chickens and ducks, a new Youth Poultry Egg Show sets the stage for fierce competition where judges will evaluate each dozen of white, brown or blue/green or other shelled chicken and duck eggs based on USDA standards. Fresh eggs entered must be from the exhibitor’s flock raised on their farm or homeplace.
“We’re glad to bring the N.C. Mountain State Fair back this year and happy for the opportunity to have such a wide range of competitions and contests,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “The experience our youth receive from competing at the Fair will benefit them their entire lives. They learn so much in raising and showing livestock, making arts and crafts, raising foods and produce, and showcasing their many other talents.”
Also new this year, during registration for general exhibit competitions each exhibitor must sign up for a specific drop off and pick up time slot to spread out the number of exhibitors at one time. Family or friends wanting to drop off or pick up together must sign up for the same time slot.
Registration now open
Entry registrations are open now and online entries are being accepted. Entry deadlines are quickly approaching for several competitions at the 2021 N.C. Mountain State Fair.
The gospel singing contest will be held Sept. 18 with contests for solo performers and groups. Space is limited to the first 10 solo entries and the first five group entries in each class. The entry deadline for the gospel singing contest and cooking competitions is Friday, Aug. 13.
Cooking contests will be held daily throughout the fair. Every contest is sponsored by a state commodity association, including the N.C. Tomato Growers Association, N.C. Aquaculture Association, N.C. Beef Council, N.C. Pork Council, N.C. Egg Association, N.C. Blueberry Council, N.C. Dairy Producers Association, N.C. Apple Growers Association and N.C. Sweet Potato Commission.
The ice cream eating competition will be in the Davis Event Center on Sept. 14 with several categories for different age groups and even celebrities. Mills River Creamery, a local dairy and creamery, sponsors this contest. Winners receive trophies for being the first person in their category to eat a specified amount of ice cream.
Entry deadlines approaching
In addition to gospel singing and cooking contests, the N.C. Mountain State Fair is hosting competitions for livestock, clogging, art, photography, agricultural and horticultural products, preserved foods, youth flower and garden, and more. The following are entry deadlines for specific categories:
- Aug. 6 – Clogging Championship (First Cutoff)
- Aug. 13 – Cooking Competitions, Gospel Singing Contest
- Aug. 27 – General Exhibits, Youth Llama Show, Rabbits, Livestock, Display Livestock, Very Special Livestock Show
- Aug. 29 – N.C. Mountain State Fair Pageant
- Sept. 14 – Ice Cream Eating Contest
To stay up to date with a full list of competitions, upcoming deadlines and rules, visit www.wncagcenter.org/p/mountainstatefair/competitions. For questions regarding competitions, contact entry coordinator Tamara Crain at 828-687-1414, ext. 210.
The 27th N.C. Mountain State Fair runs Sept. 10-19 at the WNC Agricultural Center in Fletcher. Admission is $10 for adults and $6 for seniors 65 and up and children ages six to 12. Children five and under are free. Check the website for special promotions and discount days. More information is available at www.mountainfair.org.