Last Updated on February 17, 2023 9:29 am
A series of wildfires either continue to burn or are contained in the southwestern portion of the state currently. Both local and state officials are reminding High Country residents not to burn due to the dry conditions. For more on their warning and other pertinent information please visit this article.
Nantahala National Forest Wildfire Summary – Wednesday, November 2 – Provided by US Forest Service.
Wine Spring Fire – Crews in the Nantahala National Forest are on the scene of a new fire located about 15 miles west of Franklin. The fire size was last reported to be more than five acres. Helicopter support and ground crews are on the scene and en-route for initial attack. No structures are reported to be in the fire area. High fire danger alerts remain in effect.
Boteler Peak Fire – 380 acres – The fire is slowly spreading out on top of the mountain, and fire management officials say they want to keep it there. Dozer lines were constructed on Tuesday behind structures near the mountain as a precautionary measure. A Type 1 Incident Management Team briefed with the Nantahala National Forest this morning. The team is expected to be set up to manage the fire on Thursday.
The fire is located in a roadless area west of Chunky Gal Mountain near Hayesville. Steep, rocky, inaccessible, forested terrain is adding to the complexity of firefighting efforts. Helicopters are being utilized daily to drop water on the fire area, slowing fire progression.
Firefighters on the ground are scouting the terrain to identify potential hand line and anchor point locations.
This is the final report on four other fires on the Nantahala National Forest: The Jones Gap, Moses Creek, Grape Cove, and Dicks Creek fires are being checked and patrolled as necessary.
Bartram Trail, from Hickory Knoll Road to State Highway 106, will remain closed through this weekend
The Boardtree Road (Forest Service Road 388) that leads to Rufus Morgan Trailhead is open.
Firefighters preparing to assess fire behavior from the air at Boteler Peak Fire, photo by USFS.