
March 21-25, 2016 Traffic Reports

Last Updated on March 21, 2016 8:16 am

Monday March 21

Impacts to traffic today on 321 in Blowing Rock include northbound and southbound lane closures near Possum Hollow Rd for utility work and lane closures/flagging near Pinnacle Ave for storm drain work. SLOW DOWN & BE PREPARED TO STOP while traveling through these areas of the construction project!

4:33pm – Possible delays on 421 in Vilas in the area of Skateworld and Vilas Post office due to wreck.

5:55pm – 421 in Vilas is back open.

Tuesday March 22

Various traffic impacts scheduled for today on 321 in Blowing Rock include northbound and southbound lane closures near Possum Hollow Rd for utility work, lane closures/flagging near US 221/US 321 Bus for paving, a traffic shift for northbound lane from Skyland View Dr to Ransom Street for work behind the curb and lane closures/flagging near Pinnacle Ave for storm drain work. Also, stay alert for construction vehicles entering and exiting the roadway at numerous locations from Possum Hollow to Pinnacle Ave for various construction operations. SLOW DOWN & BE PREPARED TO STOP while traveling through these areas of the construction project.

Wednesday March 23

7:28am – Wreck on 421 at Zionville Post Office. Expect delays.

7:49am – Expect delays on Bamboo Road near 421 due to wreck.

Various minimal traffic impacts today on 321 in Blowing Rock between Possum Hollow and Skyland View.

Thursday March 24

Various traffic impacts scheduled for today on 321 in Blowing Rock include northbound and southbound lane closures near Possum Hollow Rd for utility work and a traffic shift for northbound traffic near Ransom Street for work behind the curb. SLOW DOWN & BE PREPARED TO STOP while traveling through these areas of the construction project!! And please also stay alert for construction crews on foot and construction equipment entering/exiting the roadway from Norwood Circle to Possum Hollow for various other construction operations.

321 southbound traffic has now been shifted onto the new alignment from West Cornish St to US 321 Bus/S. Main St. This shift places northbound and southbound traffic in their respective outside lanes relative to the median. All traffic exiting businesses along this section of the project will now be required to turn right when entering 321. Traffic needing to turn left will be required to first turn right, then travel to the nearest crossover in order to make a U-Turn. This design feature will provide much safer traffic flow through the area. Drivers are encouraged to initially allow extra time while traveling to and through this area in order to become familiar with this new traffic pattern.

321 SOUTHBOUND U-TURNS AT AND LEFT TURNS FROM WEST CORNISH ST AND OUTBACK STEAK HOUSE ARE PROHIBITED!!! Barricades, directional signs, pavement markings and drums are in place in order to deter this movement; however, drivers have been observed disregarding these traffic control devices and attempting these maneuvers. Drivers performing these maneuvers are actually entering into oncoming northbound traffic and are at risk of a head on collision! For your safety and for the safety of other motorists, PLEASE OBSERVE THESE TRAFFIC CONTROL FEATURES!!!

321 EASTER HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: Various construction operations are expected to continue throughout tomorrow, Good Friday, and possibly over the long Easter Holiday weekend, weather permitting; however, no impacts to traffic will occur during these operations. The project information line will be unavailable on Friday. Normal construction schedule is set to resume Monday morning, March 28, 2016.

1:11pm  – DOT is performing some kind of work near the big light in Boone. Expect some extended delays coming into that intersection from the 321 side as traffic merges.

1:13pm  – Portion of Meadowview Drive down to one lane due to road work.

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