NewsMonthly Weather Recaps

June 2015 Weather Recap

Last Updated on July 7, 2015 6:02 pm

A warm month, including some record setting temperatures, was the weather story for June 2015. The month tied for the 3rd warmest for average temperature for Boone since 1980, while the average high became the 10th warmest, and the average low became the 8th warmest. June 15th and 18th  both broke into the Top 5 for record temps for their dates.

Total rainfall measured 4.61 inches in Boone and became the 17th driest since 1980.

Graphic: Southeast Climate Center

June 2015 rainfall and temps

Graphics: State Climate Office

Screen Shot Mon Jul 2015 07-06-15 15-22-31Screen Shot Mon Jul 2015 07-06-15 15-23-04

From the Watauga Medical Center reporting station (not used for official temperature records):

High: 86.54 on Friday June 26
Low: 51.8 Wednesday June 10
Peak Wind Gust: 40 mph on Sunday June 21 at 9:35am & Sunday June 28 at 10:15am
Highest Rainfall Amount: .61 on Monday June 1

Number of days with highs in the 60s – 1 , 70s – 13, 80s – 16

*In keeping track of weather records (temperatures, rainfall, snowfall, wind) it’s important to note that the records for Boone relies on three different sources. Boone COOP station 310977 from 1929-1980, Boone 1Se 310982 from June 1980-present and Watauga Medical Center reporting station KTNB.*

Precipitation graphics: National Weather Service

North Carolina rainfall June 2015nationwide rainfall June 2015



Graphics: Iowa State University of Science and Technology

June 2015 ASOS rainfall_plot June 2015

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