
June 20-24, 2016 Traffic Reports

Last Updated on June 20, 2016 7:00 am

Monday June 20

Construction operations continue today on 321 in Blowing Rock with numerous operations scheduled this morning including backfilling behind curb, fence installation, guardrail installation, retaining wall construction, grade work, and storm drainage structure installation. EXPECT CONGESTION AND DELAYS BETWEEN TANGER OUTLETS AND GREEN PARK INN as most of these operations are occurring throughout this area!! Motorists are encouraged to allow extra time when planning their trips to and through this area of the project. Alternating traffic shifts are being used as well as flagmen throughout this area during these operations. Motorists are cautioned to SLOW DOWN AND REMAIN ALERT while traveling to and through the various work zones throughout the project.

Tuesday June 21

Construction operations continue today on 321 in Blowing Rock with numerous operations scheduled this morning including paving, backfilling behind curb, fence installation, guardrail installation, retaining wall construction, grade work, and storm drainage structure installation with most of these operations occurring between Food Lion Shopping Center and Green Park Inn.

10:50am – Expect delays on 421 in Vilas due to wreck.

Wednesday June 22

Construction operations continue today on 321 in Blowing Rock with numerous operations scheduled this morning including paving at Papa Joe's, backfilling behind curb at various locations from Cliff Dwellers Inn to Church Street, fence installation at various locations from Ransom Street to Food Lion Shopping Center, guardrail installation at various locations from Church Street to Food Lion Shopping Center, retaining wall construction between Green Park Inn and Canyons Restaurant, storm drainage structure installation and curb work from Cliff Dwellers Inn to Tanger Outlets, and concrete driveway work at the Speedway Store near Tanger Outlets.

7:33pm – Expect delays in the area of 422 Linville Creek Road in Vilas due to a rollover wreck.

Thursday June 23

Construction operations continue today on 321 in Blowing Rock with numerous operations scheduled this morning including paving behind the curb at various locations, backfilling behind curb at various locations from Cliff Dwellers Inn to Church Street, retaining wall construction between Green Park Inn and Canyons Restaurant, storm drainage structure installation and curb work from Cliff Dwellers Inn to Tanger Outlets, concrete driveway work at various locations and traffic signal work at Sunset Dr.

Friday June 24

Construction operations continue today on 321 in Blowing Rock with numerous operations scheduled this morning including paving between Tanger Outlets and Food Lion Shopping Center, backfilling behind curb at various locations from Cliff Dwellers Inn to Church Street, retaining wall construction between Green Park Inn and Canyons Restaurant, storm drainage structure installation and curb work from Cliff Dwellers Inn to Tanger Outlets, concrete driveway work at various locations and traffic signal work.

12:04pm – Getting reports of very lengthy delays on 321 in Blowing Rock due to construction. Allow PLENTY of extra travel time.

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