
Historic Tree Care Expert to Work on Jones House Maples

Last Updated on October 28, 2019 6:12 pm

The Town of Boone has been successful over the past five years at adding hundreds of trees to Town owned property along the Greenway, in Jimmy Smith Park, in the Queen Street Parking Lot, in the streetscape along King Street, at the Greg Young Water Intake and at the Jimmy Smith Waste Water Treatment Plant. At multiple events the Town of Boone has provided tree seedlings for citizens to take home and plant on their property. In addition to adding new trees, the Town of Boone is committed to the preservation of our historic tree canopy.

Beginning this week, Historic Tree Care head arborist, Guy Meilleur (may-er’) and Town of Boone staff will be preforming selective pruning, installing structural supports and preforming other healthcare services involving the maples on the Jones House yard. Head arborist Guy Meilleur has been providing commercial tree care since 1965, and consulting, testifying, and writing about arboriculture since 1982. Mr. Meilleur is author of over 50 peer-reviewed articles that focus on good tree care with good arborists.

“This investment is being made in order to preserve the historic trees and the benefits they provide. Many of us and our visitors have fond memories of listening to music on the Jones House lawn under the protective canopy of the majestic maples. These maples add a special ambience to our historic downtown and deserve special attention toward their preservation.” – John Ward, Boone Town Manager.

While conducting his initial tree inspection and diagnosis, Mr. Meilleur also found seedlings that can be collected and grown to carry on the genes of the larger maples on the property.

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