Current Road ProjectsNewsWeather News

Friday Jan 18 Conditions/Reports

Last Updated on February 12, 2022 6:26 pm

*some of the reports from our facebook, twitter, text messages and email*

5am- power outages: Ashe 3,899, Alleghany 668, Watauga 378, Wilkes 51 in Blue Ridge Electric member area

SPSRNK from 1/18/2013 5:01 AM to 10:00 AM EST for Ashe County, Watauga County: SLICK ROADS THIS MORNING.

5:50am – per facebook report – Main roads from TN state line to Boone are pretty good. 321 in Boone is snowy and icy

Beware of black ice in parking lots

6am- power outages : Ashe 3,289, Alleghany 669, Watauga 380, Wilkes 51 in Blue Ridge Electric member area

6:10am – 421 Zionville to Boone main roads are good! Side roads have lots of crunchy snow/ice

6:15am – most of the early morning reports coming in indicate that main roads are in good shape

6:30am – most early morning reports indicate that the main roads are in good shape. That's not to say you won't find slick areas, but considering all the rain, snow, overnight ice they seems to be good. Side roads, like usual, are going to see more problem areas.

8:45am-power outages : Ashe 3,474, Alleghany 589, Watauga 273, Wilkes 52 in Blue Ridge Electric member area

No work will take place on on 321 in Blowing Rock today due to weather. Slow down, stay alert. Call project hotline at (828) 964-3260.

10 AM photo of current power outages


28 degrees in Boone at 11am, peak wind gust of 22mph so far

11am power outages – Ashe 3,428, Alleghany 375, Watauga 193, Wilkes 33, Avery 14 in Blue Ridge Electric member area

11:11am- flipped car on 321 at Cliff Dwellers Inn

Willow Valley. Photo:Susan-Murphy
Jan18_Willow Valley_Susan Murphy

Photo:Susan Murphy
Jan18_Susan Murphy

Tweetsie. Photo: Randy Foster
Jan18_Randy Foster

"Blanket of Beauty, Photo: Sandy Shell
Jan18_Cold Blanket of Beauty_Sandy Shell

Photo: Susan Murphy
Jan18_2_Susan Murphy

Photo: Susan Murphy
Jan18_Snow on trees_Susan Murphy

Snow on Beech Mountain. Photo: Amy Morrison
Jan18_Snow on Beech Mtn_Amy Morrison

Photo: Blair Skillman
Jan18_Blair Skillman

Looking toward Beech Mountain from Valle Crucis, Photo:Daniel Martin
Jan18_Looking toward Beech Mountain from Valle Crucis_Daniel Martin

Photo:Carol Harmon
Jan18_2_Carol Harmon

Photo:Carol Harmon
Jan18_Carol Harmon

West Jefferson Park taken by Leisa Johnson around 8pm Thursday night
Jan17_West Jefferson Park taken by Leisa Johnson around 8pm

Don Hayes Road, Photo:Isabella Metts
Jan18_Don Hayes Road_Isabella Metts

shot from Ivy Mountain on the Blue Ridge in Deep Gap looking down towards Lenoir, Photo:Sheron Hagelston
Jan18__shot from Ivy Mountain on the Blue Ridge in Deep Gap looking down towards Lenoi_Sheron White Hagelston

Photo from Linda Nash
Jan18_Linda Nash

2:15pm – Power outages: Watauga 140, Caldwell 1, Ashe 2,662, Alleghany 244, Wilkes 36 in Blue Ridge Electric member area

‎3:30pm – Power outages: Watauga 91, Ashe 2,495, Alleghany 199, Wilkes 36, Avery 1 in Blue Ridge Electric member area

4:40pm – Power outages: Watauga 26, Ashe 2,287, Alleghany 126, Wilkes 34, Avery 1 in Blue Ridge Electric member area

Full Outage Restoration May Last Into Saturday, especially for Ashe –

5:30pm – Power outages: Watauga 9, Ashe 1,987, Alleghany 145, Wilkes 34 in Blue Ridge Electric member area. Full power to all may not be back until Saturday –

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