Last Updated on June 5, 2021 6:00 pm
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A wreck, involving one car on top of another, brought traffic to a standstill on 105 Friday afternoon. The accident occurred on 105 in the area of the Animal Emergency Clinic in Boone. Boone Fire and Boone Police were dispatched to the area around 4:10 pm.
A witness at the scene tells WataugaOnline.com that the red vehicle was trying to turn left onto 105 when the accident occurred.
Traffic backups extended into the “Big Light” (intersection of 105/321/421), causing major problems in that area. Boone Police responded to direct traffic and to deal with other minor situations in that area.
105 was back open totally at 5:04 pm but congestion traffic still lead to some delays. Information about any possible injuries was not available as of Friday evening.
Photo submitted and used by permission.