Last Updated on November 19, 2020 11:45 am
With COVID-19 making normal fundraisers impossible, the Hunger and Health Coalition had to get creative this year.
On Saturday, October 24th, Boone’s longest-running food pantry and only charitable pharmacy hosted the first HHC Fall Blast in conjunction with Chetola Sporting Reserve and the Blue Ridge Mountain Club. Eight teams of four came out to compete for prizes, glory, and the very first Golden Pidgeon trophies to mark their shooting prowess. It was all in the name of supporting the Hunger and Health Coalition’s food and medication assistance programs.
Together with the help of our sponsors and guests, we raised more than $20,000 to help sustain our programs through the winter. This help is crucial in a year where every month has been uncertain and more than $100,000 in our normal fundraising income was lost. With the help of the Chetola Sporting Reserve and the Blue Ridge Mountain Club, we were able to host a socially-distanced event that made up for a substantial portion of this lost income.
With a full roster of sponsor support from Boone’s great outdoor businesses, we were able to make the HHC Fall Blast a smash hit in its first year, and are already planning to host the event again next September.
“We are so grateful to Chetola and the Blue Ridge Mountain Club team for such a safe and fun-filled day to raise much-needed funds”, says Executive Director, Elizabeth Young. “Each dollar raised that day allows us to purchase $5 worth of food for our community!”
Proprietor of Chetola Sporting Reserve, Greg Tarbutton, brought the idea forward to the Hunger and Health Coalition and was instrumental in making this new endeavor work. Greg shares that “the Chetola Sporting Reserve became involved with the Hunger and Health Coalition because of the fine job they do managing the resources they’ve been given. We look forward to partnering with them for next year’s event.”
Both the Chetola Sporting Reserve and Blue Ridge Mountain Club have already agreed to host the second annual HHC Fall Blast next September. Expect a date to be announced soon. Get notified as soon as it does by emailing director@hungerandhealthcoalition.com and ensure your spot for next year.
In the meantime, if you would like to support the Hunger and Health Coalition’s work, please consider making a donation, buying a t-shirt, or volunteering your time to our many programs in need of community assistance.
From the bottom of our hearts and on behalf of the nearly 5,000 low-income people we serve every year, the Hunger and Health Coalition would like to thank everyone who made the first annual Fall Blast a success, or has helped in other ways during this challenging year. We are proud to be part of our town’s safety net and remind everyone that we are here to provide help for anyone in need.
For more information about the Hunger and Health Coalition, visit us online at hungerandhealthcoalition.com or email programshhc@gmail.com for specific information on how you can get involved. Thank you, Watauga!