Last Updated on August 18, 2022 12:04 pm
The Boone Police Department is looking for talented artists that would like to see their personal
design on our police vehicles!
“The Boone Police Department would like to change the look of our police cars. We are
soliciting input from the Boone community to help us. We would like to have a design that
would symbolize our community and present a professional, approachable appearance. Our
thoughts are to depict the beauty of Boone and can include our commitment to serving,
protecting and engaging in community policing. We wish to give our community a voice in this
decision and look forward to seeing what ideas come forward” stated Andy LeBeau, Boone
Police Chief.
The design contest will begin on August 19th, and will close September 9th. We will be
accepting designs from any interested community-centered individuals (i.e. those who work,
shop, do life in Boone) who would like their art displayed on our police vehicles.
There is no age requirement for this contest. More general rules can be found at
As this is a public contest, we will be announcing the winner’s name on our website and social
media pages after the vehicle has been outfitted with the design in the coming months. The
winner will be contacted prior to the public announcement.
“Our community of local artists do a masterful job of capturing the images and elements that
create visuals that people associate with Boone and the High Country. This project provides both
a unique canvas and rare opportunity to create a brand that reflects the spirit of our community
and its support for an important partner. We are excited to see the end result and know this will
be another representation of how our community supports artists and their abilities to inspire us
with their work.” stated David Jackson, President and CEO of the Boone Area Chamber of
In addition to having your amazing design displayed on our police vehicles, the Town of Boone
and the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce have teamed up to create a rewards package for the
winner! The Boone Community has such talented artists, and we look forward to seeing what
your creative minds come up with!
Here are some general rules/guidelines for the
● The design will be featured on black vehicles. Please make sure that the colors chosen
will pop (while also fitting with the ‘Boone vibe’)!
● You can make the design as simple or fancy as you like.
○ No design will appear on the windows, windshield, or back window, so please
create accordingly.
● The design should have no additional words of any sort.
● No political statements or symbols will be allowed.
● While we love App State, and the value they bring to Boone, we will not be using App
State insignia, reference, etc.
● Both sides of the vehicle will be identical.
● The current wording and Boone PD badge will be in the same spot, so look at the “badge
template” here to see where they will land on your design. That said, you can submit your
design on the “blank templates” linked here.
● The Boone Police Department will have sole discretion on deciding on which, or if, a
submitted design is chosen.
● The person submitting the design must be a community-centered individual of Boone.
● No age requirement!
● Last day to submit designs is September 9th.
Those interested in participating can download the templates here and then submit via Google
Form (linked here) the templates showing their design. In order to be considered, you MUST
completely fill out the Google Form.