Last Updated on August 11, 2020 1:49 pm
With summertime comes and increase in the use of Town and County parks and greenways. The Boone Police Department and Watauga County Sheriff’s Office have been working together to ensure the safety of our citizens and visitors while using these facilities.
On Tuesday, August 4, it was discovered that an inordinate amount of debris was underneath the William Mast, Jr. Memorial bridge on Highway 421 adjacent to the greenway trail from Brookshire Park. Graffiti had also been sprayed on the retaining wall along the trail.

“The Town of Boone and Watauga County are beautiful areas to live and work in. The Greenway Trails and Parks are utilized by residents and visitors alike to get outside for exercise and recreation. Our agencies are invested in providing a safe and clean environment for all to enjoy. It is sad to see that individuals would vandalize and discard trash in such a thoughtless manner. We are committed to keeping the Town of Boone and Watauga County clean and safe for all to enjoy”. – Lieutenant Bobby Creed, Patrol Commander, Boone Police Department
On Thursday, August 6, Boone Officers and Watauga Sheriff’s Deputies conducted a trash pickup underneath the bridge resulting in a pickup truck full of bags.

On Friday, August 7, community member Ben Ray, a local painting contractor, met with deputies and officers to paint over the graffiti. Paint was donated by Boone Paint and Interiors.

“The teamwork displayed was amazing. Only hours after hearing about the issues underneath the Mast Memorial Bridge, deputies and Boone officers met to begin cleaning up the massive amount of trash. Their efforts ensured that none of the trash made it into our local waterways and restored the natural look of that section of the Greenway Trail. We would like to thank our community partners for their help as well, Boone Paint and Interiors for donating paint and Mr. Ben Ray for donating his time assisting with the coverage of the graffiti.” – Lieutenant Toby Regan, Watauga Sheriff’s Office.
If you observe vandalism or other concerns while utilizing the parks and trails, do not hestitate contacting the Boone Police Department, (828)268-6921, or Watauga County Sheriff’s Office, (828)264-3761.