Last Updated on September 4, 2013 7:23 pm
On September 3, 2013, a Boone Police officer was notified by a citizen about a group of people aggressively panhandling in the Boone Mall parking lot. Boone officers made contact with the group and during the course of the investigation, the following subjects were arrested.
John Daniel Neely
Greensboro, NC
33 years-of-age
Resisting a Public Officer
Fictitious Information to an Officer
Failure to Appear Warrant
Mr. Neely gave officers a false name and then attempted to flee on foot. Mr. Neely was apprehended and placed under arrest. Mr. Neely was given an $1100 secured bond pending an October 29, 2013, court appearance.
Christopher Dane Herwerth
Charlotte, NC
22 years-of-age
Failure to Appear Warrant
Mr. Herwerth was given a $500 secured bond pending a September 27, 2013, court appearance.
David William McNebb
Charlotte, NC
55 years-of-age
Fictitious Information to an Officer
Failure to Appear Warrant
Mr. McNebb was given a $1000 secured bond pending an October 29, 2013, court appearance.
The subjects were attempting to raise money for the Miracle House of Hope in Charlotte, NC.