Last Updated on January 18, 2022 12:08 pm
With the last winter storm behind us, we all start the process of digging out and cleaning up. Boone Fire Department wants to share a few items of concern. Please address these and keep them in mind for future snow events.
- For commercial properties, the NC Fire Code states that a means of egress shall be free from obstructions that would prevent its use, including the accumulation of snow and ice. Please remember to shovel snow and ice at ALL your exit doors including emergency exits that are seldom used. Occupants should be able to open ALL exit doors and escape to a sidewalk or street.
- The same rule should be followed at residences so you always have “Two Ways Out” in an emergency.
- Last, please clean the snow away from hydrants at your home and business. The fire department needs to be able to locate and access these as quickly as possible when there is a fire. Please do not cover them when shoveling or plowing.
Addressing these items now will ensure you meet the requirements of the NC Fire Code, are planning and preparing for emergencies, and doing your part to ensure the life safety of your families and customers.