Last Updated on August 17, 2022 12:58 pm
Scope of work to be inclusive of all municipalities in Watauga County
BOONE, NC – The Watauga County Board of Commissioners and Boone Area Chamber of Commerce have reached a funding agreement that returns the Chamber to its role of coordinating and administrating the county’s Economic Development program.
The agreement was presented and approved during the Watauga County Board of Commissioners meeting August 16, 2022. The initial term of the agreement begins January 1, 2023 and is prorated through the end of the current fiscal year. The agreement is eligible for annual renewal through June 30, 2028.
The Chamber will receive annual funding support from Watauga County to establish a coordinated county-wide economic development program. The effort shall serve as a guide to growth in Watauga County by encouraging the creation of new jobs, or saving of existing jobs, which pay above-average wages, are in businesses which have a favorable or non-adverse impact on the physical or social environment, and which contribute to an appropriately balanced, stable, and vital local economy.
The Chamber will employ an Economic Development Director to support the management of all aspects of the business recruitment and expansion (BRE) process and contribute to the overall BRE strategy. The position will provide support in guiding site assessment and product development, coordinate existing industry support, increase awareness toward talent recruitment and retention efforts, and develop a comprehensive strategy for marketing and brand awareness.
The Boone Area Chamber of Commerce previously coordinated economic development efforts on behalf of Watauga County from 1997 to 2003. Many Chambers of Commerce across the State of North Carolina are engaged in similar contracts with their respective counties. The Boone Area Chamber of Commerce has worked alongside the Blowing Rock Chamber of Commerce and the Watauga County Economic Development Commission to survey a number of these relationships to examine best practices and receive guidance toward reestablishing this program.
“Our Board of Directors and staff are excited to enter this agreement and thank the Watauga County Board of Commissioners for trusting us with this important scope of work,” said David Jackson, President/CEO of the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce. “Our Chamber is well positioned to enhance and build relationships and provide the necessary administrative support to effectively manage an economic development program that strengthens the workforce throughout Watauga County. To position our workforce for the future, there are many issues like housing, infrastructure, and quality of life that are just as important to job and talent retention as they are to recruitment. We look forward to building a framework that features representation from each municipality in the county and working with all parties to establish priorities that serve the unique interests and needs of our area.”
Please contact the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce at 828-264-2225 or by email at info@boonechamber.com with any additional questions.