Last Updated on August 7, 2023 5:00 pm
[Boone, NC] – The Back 2 School Festival is still seeking donations and volunteers for its annual event this Saturday, August 12 at Watauga High School.
“This event is completely run by volunteers, and we can’t pull it off without the help of our community” said Volunteer Coordinator Anna Floyd. “We especially need folks to help us clean up after the festival on Saturday.”
Last year the Back 2 School Festival hosted over 1,600 Watauga County students and their families, providing school supplies to those who are struggling to cover the high cost of back-to-school shopping.
“This is truly a community effort” said the event’s publicity coordinator, Mattie Lucas. “So many families in our area have come to rely on us to help alleviate the cost of back to school shopping this time of year, and it takes hundreds of volunteers to set this up, get everyone through quickly and efficiently on the day of the event, and then pack it all up once the students have gone. It’s a massive undertaking and we need all the help we can get.”
Event coordinators are also seeking last minute donations to make sure they have enough supplies for everyone. “We still need about $25,000 to cover everything we need,” reported Festival Coordinator and board president, Kendra Sink. “We still have the buses parked at Peak Insurance, First National Bank, and Blue Cross and Blue Shield to collect supplies, but monetary donations are a huge help because we can purchase supplies in bulk for much cheaper than the average consumer. We’re always grateful for whatever support we can receive.”
The annual Back 2 School Festival will be held on August 12, 2023 at Watauga High School. To volunteer, donate, or check your school’s pick-up schedule, visit www.back2schoolfest.org.