Last Updated on February 4, 2025 11:45 am
AVERY COUNTY- As of Sunday, February 23, 2025, all placement of flood debris along “State Right-of-Way” will conclude. This means citizens must stop placing debris along said right of ways, as debris teams will be making their final passes through the county after that date. “Kitchen” trash or typical household trash is accepted at Avery's waste sites, other debris/waste can be taken to the county's landfill.
Any trash or debris placed after the posted date will be considered littering. Littering in North Carolina is considered a “Class 3 misdemeanor” with a fine of $250-$1,000 and up to 24 hours of community service for littering fifteen pounds or less.
The ending of debris placement and right of way clean up is only the first step of the massive recovery project. As for step two of clean up, we will focus on river and stream debris removal. The first of these water related recoveries has already been submitted to FEMA for approval, and “Right of Entry” and other documents needed will be obtained.
For step three, Avery County will focus on private property debris removal in which the planning process is already in progress and we are awaiting final guidelines.
Thank you to all of Avery County for your efforts during this clean up process. Your patience is greatly appreciated. For any questions or concerns please call the Avery County Hot Line at (828)-733-8273.