
AppalCart’s Partnership with the TransLoc App

Last Updated on August 25, 2021 5:05 pm

On August 9, 2021, AppalCart began using the TransLoc app as their Real-Time Passenger Information System. The TransLoc app is available as a free download on Google Play and the Apple App Store. Currently, AppalCart has 15 routes with three alternating schedules; the Night Owl Routes, the Break Schedule Routes and the Regular Routes. This user-friendly app is meant to help inform the public of all the routes available, making it easier to use AppalCart’s public transit operation. In addition to route information, the TransLoc app also updates the amount of space available on buses.

Customers may also view route information via the following link:

For those that are unable to use TransLoc via a smartphone, AppalCart offers this web map as an option to view real-time route information. For more information on how to use the TransLoc app or the Live Transit map, please visit AppalCart’s webpage, listed above, or contact AppalCart at by phone ar (828) 297-1300 or by email at

“As a community we are very fortunate to have AppalCart providing safe, environmentally friendly, mass transit. AppalCart’s free rides are made even better with the use of TransLoc for real time passenger and bus information. Join us in making Boone even better – ride the bus!” – John Ward – Town Manger.

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