Last Updated on July 14, 2024 5:52 pm
Blue Ridge Conservancy (BRC) was recently awarded $80,000 by NCDOT for a Multimodal Feasibility Study grant, which will give BRC and its partners of Jefferson, West Jefferson, and Ashe County a plan to connect Paddy Mountain Park to Mount Jefferson State Natural Area via a pedestrian pathway. This pathway will ultimately connect Mt Jefferson to the Northern Peaks State Trail (NPST).
Charity Shatley, Jefferson Town Manager, says “The Town of Jefferson is eager to partner with BRC, NCDOT, West Jefferson, Ashe County, and other community partners involved in the NPST feasibility study. This supports the Town's vision for its upcoming streetscape and pedestrian improvement plan, and we strongly believe it will be a great asset to our citizens and the community at large.”
This feasibility study will evaluate the viability of the project, complete initial stages of design and environmental review, and develop implementation strategies. The types of projects to be considered include paths that can be shared by walkers, runners, and cyclists, and paved trails, greenways and sidewalks. Public input will play an important role in the final conclusions.
“One of the less obvious but fundamental goals of the NPST is to connect communities,” says Jordan Sellers, NPST Coordinator. “This grant is the first step in an extremely exciting opportunity to bring West Jefferson and Jefferson closer together, all while providing improved active transportation and community health benefits. We are thankful to NCDOT for selecting our application and to West Jefferson, Jefferson and Ashe County for their collaboration to provide the local match.”
For more information, please check out NCDOT’s web page devoted to the feasibility studies program: connect.ncdot.gov/municipalities/PlanningGrants/Pages/IMD-Feasibility-Studies-Program.aspx.
NPST-map – A rough overview of the area being considered by the study

NCDOT-NPST – View of Jefferson from Mount Jefferson State Natural Area